Fallen Through The Cracks

white cableknit sweater wool jacket black jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

I wasn’t going to post today, but as I looked through my photo folders, I found an outfit I haven’t posted yet. Surprise! To be honest, my brain was fried to a crisp after this crazy week, so the oversight is understandable.

Anyway, this outfit is quite appropriate because it fits the theme of Bri’s Third Thursday Thread link-up – Most Cherished Item (I’m a day late, but that’s OK – see “crazy week” above). For me there are actually two “cherished items” in this outfit. One is the tweed jacket I got from my mom – I’d been looking for a tweed blazer for a long time but could never find one, so when I found this in my mom’s old stuff, I had to ask her for it. The fit is a little boxier than I wanted, but I’ve come to love it.

The other item is this brooch. Actually I cherish all of my brooches, but this one is a little more special because it’s a gift from an actress in a short film I worked on. She’s really, really nice – one day I just mentioned randomly that I collected brooches, and the next day she showed up on set with this! It’s also a little different from what I usually wear (I tend to go for the enameled flowers/cameo type of brooches), but for the slightly equestrian feel of this outfit, it’s the perfect finishing touch.

white cableknit sweater wool jacket black jeans by 14 shades of greywool jacket black jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

white cableknit sweater wool jacket brooch by 14 shades of grey

Sweater: Atmosphere, Jacket: hand-me-down, Jeans: Mango, Boots: Hush Puppies, Brooch: gift

“That’s no moon”

white turtleneck trench coat black jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

Welcome to the first outfit post of 2016! I think I may have found a new direction for the blog – accessories. Or, rather, jewelries. After buying a couple of new things as a Christmas/New Year present for myself (including this necklace), I realized that I have tons of them – a lot of brooches and necklaces, and a few bracelets too – and I don’t wear them enough. So from now on, I’m going to wear at least one piece with each outfit. It’s also kind of a shopping ban to stop me from buying any new jewelry (though we all know I don’t do too well with bans, but we’ll see how it turns out.)

Speaking of this necklace, I looked it up online and found that Modcloth used to sell it for nearly $60. Guess how much my local shop sells it for? $7! I’m feeling quite smug about it, as you can understand. Also, Modcloth’s name for this necklace is “Glimpse the Lune”, hence my reference to the moon in the title (it’s actually a Star Wars quote, but it’s apt, isn’t it?)

white turtleneck trench coat black jeans black boots by 14 shades of greywhite turtleneck black jeans by 14 shades of grey

white turtleneck necklace by 14 shades of greywhite turtleneck black jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

Sweater & Jeans: hand-me-down, Boots: Hush Puppies, Necklace: local shop, Coat: Mango

Weekly Capsule 52.1: Come To The Dark Side

gray sweatshirt red scarf black jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

I wore this last week to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I must’ve been subconsciously influenced by the movies, because as I was taking photos, I realized these were the colors of the “dark side” – black and red.

gray sweatshirt red scarf black jeans by 14 shades of greyCome to the dark side… We have cookies.

This is a bit embarrassing to confess, but up until last week, I had never seen the original Star Wars trilogy all the way through. I’ve seen bits and pieces on TV, and of course I knew all about the pop culture significance, but I never watched the entire thing. So before the new movie, I did a marathon of Episode IV, V, and VI (I like to pretend that the prequels didn’t happen). Now, usually when I watch these classic movies so late in the game, I would appreciate them but never become a fan. With Star Wars, though, I was completely won over. It’s epic and exciting and funny and everything that the nerd in me loves. So much so that by the time I saw The Force Awakens, I was tearing up at the opening scroll.

Needless to say, I freaking love the movie (already saw it twice.) Rey is badass (please please please don’t give her a romance in the next films), Finn and Poe are adorable, and all the callbacks to originals are great. I’ve heard complaints that it is too similar to Episode IV, but I think it’s a smart choice – it caters to fans of the originals while ushering in a new generation at the same time.

My only quibble is Adam Driver as the bad guy. He’s too cute to be the new Darth Vader. But, depending on his arc over the trilogy, he may turn out OK. We’ll see. Still, what’s with the casting of these young hipster actors as sci-fi villains anyway? Like Jesse Einsenberg as Lex Luthor, WTF?

gray sweatshirt red scarf black jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey gray sweatshirt black jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

Sweatshirt & Jeans: local shops, Scarf: Icing, Boots: Hush Puppies

Weekly Capsule 51.3: Not-So-Subtle Christmas

green coat white sweater maroon jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

I wore this to the Christmas pageant at my niece and nephew’s kindergarten, so I threw subtlety out the window and just went straight for the red + green + white (and added the holly brooch in case anybody was still confused.) Of course, it was a good thing my jeans were maroon; true red would’ve been pretty eye-searing – I don’t think I’m brave enough to try that!

green coat white sweater maroon jeans by 14 shades of greygreen coat white sweater silver holly brooch by 14 shades of grey

Sweater: hand-me-down, Jeans: Pull&Bear, Coat: thrifted, Brooch: vintage, Boots: Hush Puppies

My looks this week – a bit of colors just in time for the holiday:

black embroidered sweatshirt maroon jeans brown ankle boots by 14 shades of greygray sweater green scarf maroon jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

green coat white sweater maroon jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

Weekly Capsule 51.2: Subtle Christmas

gray sweater green scarf maroon jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

Since I already had the maroon jeans out and Christmas is right around the corner, I decided to play around with the red + green + white combo a bit. You can see that each piece is a more diluted or faded version of each of those colors (well, I guess you can call gray a “version” of white :P) Yeah, I’m dressing in themes again, but I’m running out of outfit ideas, and besides, if you can’t dress for Christmas, what can you dress for, right?

In other news, I still haven’t figured out how to tie this scarf without looking like I was being eaten alive…

gray sweater green scarf maroon jeans by 14 shades of greygray sweater green scarf maroon jeans black boots by 14 shades of grey

gray sweater green scarf maroon jeans black boots by 14 shades of greygray sweater green scarf by 14 shades of grey

Sweater: H&M, Jeans: Pull&Bear, Scarf: local shop, Boots: Hush Puppies