Weekend Round-Up #86

Two weekend round-ups in a row? I clearly had too much free time on my hands this past week.


This is The Last Bookstore in downtown LA and I’m crying because I lived there for 7 years, why did I only find out about it now when I can’t go?!

These illustrations of female superheroes dressed as hipsters are amazing (that’s Harley Quinn and Catwoman)

One more illustration: Game of Thrones characters, Simpsonized

Bless those crazy Brits: they put a giant, inflatable Mr. Darcy into the lake in Hyde Park because that scene is voted the most memorable TV moment

This island in Fukuoka, Japan is a cat heaven… quite literally!


– As an introvert, I feel compelled to hand this out to every extrovert I’ve ever met.

– While we’re on the subject of introverts, here’s a great article from Cracked: 4 things movies always get wrong about awkward people. Amen to #1.

– Also from Cracked: 5 mysterious crimes that caused endless questions. If somebody decided to make any of these into a movie, I would totally watch it.

– Is Cumberbatching the next big meme? You decide.

– Finally, this amazing video shows what it’s like to travel around the world in 1 minute. It sets off my wanderlust big time (via Gizmodo):

Weekend Round-Up #85

I almost didn’t do a round-up this week, but I’ve gathered a bunch of links and stuff that may become outdated if I save them, so here we go…


A couple of things I’m drooling over: embroidered espadrilles and white lace top.

Also drool-worthy: amazing needlefelted brooches by Lisa Jordan

Star Wars reimagined as 80’s high school movie… awesome!

This is actually a single photo, not four separate ones. Mind blown yet? Here’s video of how it was created. Witchcraft!


– A very interesting post about why celebrities always look so amazing and us laywomen don’t. One word: tailor.

– From Cracked: 5 ridiculous modern fashion with badass origins.

– Also something fashion-related: sci-fi fashions that are now reality, from Buzzfed.

– First Harry Potter theme park, now it’s getting a Cabin in the Woods maze? Universal Orlando has all the fun.

– I love a nerdy themed wedding, but seriously, why would anyone have a Game of Thrones-themed wedding? That makes as much sense as… say, a Walking Dead-themed wedding. (via Flavorwire)

– Finally, I’ve just discovered a Polyvore called Favorite Fictional Fashions that puts together outfits inspired by all of my favorite shows and books (GoT, Harry Potter, Sherlock, etc.) Halloween inspirations, here I come!

Weekend Round-Up #84


This 1940’s-inspired collection by Bulgarian brand KNAPP is amazing.

Such a cool idea for kids’ portrait

These “Dr. Who meets fairy tales” prints are awesome. (via Flavorwire)

These patterned paint rollers are a great alternative to wallpaper. (via Miss Moss)

I want this dress

I also want this Avengers cake.


– College Fashion has some pretty good tips on how to recreate an outfit you like.

– This is a bit old, but it’s a useful guide from Refinery29 on the best sundress for your body shape.

– From Cracked: 5 ways guys ruin their first impression with women. Seriously, I think John Cheese should be required reading for all college-aged people. He has such good advice.

– Classical sculptures dressed up as hipsters? I approve.

– Finally, what happens when someone’s dad tries to name all the Game of Thrones characters (my favorite is “Dude. Henry. I don’t know”) I love how Jon Snow is basically the only name everybody got right.

Weekend Round-Up #83

Some things are leftover from last week because I got too busy to put together a post, but they’re cool so I’m posting them now anyway.


When I get my own kitchen, you’d bet this magnetic periodic table of herbs and spices will be in it!

Two very different but equally cool outfits: from Hel-looks and Vanessa Jackman.

I’m too much of a wuss to do this, but it’s such a cool idea for a tattoo – every new country you go to, get it colored in.

Love these late 80’s/early 90’s Game of Thrones character posters

These plush insects are not your typical stuffed animals, but they’re awesome

Completely in awe of these medieval Batman and Aquaman (probably the first time I think Aquaman is cool)

lotr salt & pepper shaker
This salt & pepper shaker set is both fun and messed up. Where will the salt come out of?!

Cats’ selfies are the best.


– Cool article about the rise of hijab fashion bloggers. I think it’s great how diverse fashion blogging can be now.

– Beautiful DIY jewelries made from pistachio shells! Who would’ve thought, right?

– Weird, but cool: famous lookalikes of historical figures. Well, I guess we know who to cast for those biopics now…

– This is hilarious: the Font Conference (via College Humor.)

– One more hilarious video, from Cracked: If Disney songs were historically accurate.

Weekend Round-Up #82

This week has been a blur. A blur of scorching sun and sweat-soaked shirts, with that one heart-stopping moment when the electricity went out on Thursday (it was the hottest day, the temperature was well over 100). I don’t remember it being this hot, not just last year, but ever. Looks like my plan to go watch Star Trek will have to wait until next weekend when it’s cooled down.


Maybe because I’m fresh off of Bomb Girls, but I love the 1940’s fashion in these Nina Leen photos

These Edwardian photos are amazing too

Did I ever feature bettersupes.tumblr.com? I can’t remember, but anyway, one more time wouldn’t hurt: it’s an art project consists of drawings of little girls in superhero costumes. What’s not to like?

I want this outfit.

These drawings of fantastical creatures by Italian artist Stefania Puntaroli are… well, fantastic

Speaking of art, these Slaughterhouse Starlets prints are fun in a twisted pin-up kind of way

This dog. It’s so cute I skjdhfjsehufhisdfb


– I think this comic is the best reaction/commentary on the whole Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy thing.

– A bit old, but interesting enough (for me) to share: Mad Men characters and their comic book counterparts.

– This is super cool: 5 easy fixes to complex problems you won’t believe worked. The mirror one is genius.

– Read this “Murder or Suicide?” article and prepare to have your mind blown. I’m surprised CSI hasn’t done it yet.

– Summer vacation is not far off, and Refinery29 has some good tips on how to pack for a carry-on vacation.

8 signs you’re a cat. I got 7 out of 8 (all except for the “changing your mind” one, I’m notoriously stubborn about changing my mind.) Yup, it’s official, I am 87.5% cat.