’86, Baby!

Ever since season 4 of Stranger Things dropped back in late May, I – and most of the world, apparently – have succumbed to the charm of Eddie Munson/Joseph Quinn (because let’s face it, most of Eddie’s charm comes from Joseph’s performance.) I’ve never been invested in Stranger Things – I’m more than a casual viewer, but I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan, and especially with the long gap between season 3 and season 4, my interest had dipped. When season 4 came out, I watched it just to see where the story went. Little did I know I would become obsessed with a character and the actor on a level I haven’t been since Richard Armitage as John Thornton in North & South. I guess the character resonates with me so much because I was pretty much Eddie in high school – I was that combo of nerd and metalhead (I listened to nu-metal, but still), and I was an outsider who reveled in that status because I didn’t feel like I belonged. And yes, his death hit hard (I’m sorry if that’s a spoiler for you, but honestly, unless you’ve been living under a rock…) I rarely cry at movies or TV shows, yet I was pretty much in a daze for an entire weekend after the finale because I was so upset.

So for my birthday, I thought I’d treat myself to a Hellfire T-shirt. The outfit is super simple – it’s not an Eddie cosplay (I’ve never been interested in cosplaying; I prefer to take inspiration from a look and put my own spin on it), but I guess you can say the distressed jeans and the sneakers are a nod to Eddie’s iconic look, and the whole thing is definitely an homage to the character anyway. Eddie, this is for you.

(I actually am an ’86 baby, so it’s perfect)

Lotus Pods

Here’s my outfit for this week’s SIA, inspired by Ray Morimura’s “Lotus Pond” woodblock print. I knew I’d wear this dress/tunic – the color and the lotus motif make it a no-brainer, even though the lotus here is more autumnal than summery. For the rest of the outfit, I’d originally worn it with black pants to mimic the black elements in the print, but they made the outfit look a bit heavy, plus I’d worn black pants with the tunic before. After some debating, I went with these jeans and the clogs. There’s something about their pairing with the tunic that reminds me of Mori style, which I thought would be appropriate for the inspiration; plus, the brown clogs pick up the touches of reddish brown in the print as well.

Don’t forget to check back on Wednesday to see other outfits inspired by this print!

Earth Tones

The other day, I was reorganizing my closet and saw that I have too many white shirts. The ironic thing is, being an “autumn” according to my seasonal color analysis, pure white is not my best color, as it washes me out/makes me look too sallow. In fact, if these photos are anything to go by, I should be wearing more earth tones, like the creamy beige color of this top, much more often, because it makes my skin look fantastic (if I do say so myself.) I guess my “wear what you like” approach to style doesn’t always work out, because sometimes what I like is not what I look best in.

P/S: See if you can spot the cat in these photos.

Not Born In The USA

Here’s another of my attempts to dress up a top and a pair of jeans. I saw the idea on a Japanese style blog and thought it a super fun, unexpected way to wear a scarf/handkerchief, and it can save you from having to wear a belt too. It wasn’t until I started editing these photos that I realized the close-up shot looked rather familiar. And then it hit me: it looked a bit like the cover of Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the USA album (hence my post title) – just a little bit, mostly in the color scheme and the framing. I never listen to Bruce Springsteen, but that’s such a well-know album cover that I guess I was subconsciously influenced somehow.

Bracing Up

As the work-from-home days stretch on without an ending anywhere in sight (not that I’m complaining. I know how lucky I am to be able to work from home), I keep trying to find new ways to spice up my WFH wardrobe. It should be dressy (I find I work better if I actually dress up as opposed to staying in my pajamas) while still comfortable (I’m still at home, after all), interesting but not overwrought or complicated (it’s summer; I’d like to keep my outfits light and simple). These suspenders fit the bill nicely. They’re simple but can elevate this outfit from the basic jeans-and-a-shirt to something more interesting, and the menswear vibe is always a plus for me.