Thursday List

white top black cardigan blue jeans red heels by 14 shades of grey

It’s Thursday and my brain is shutting down, so I thought this list of questions I got from happy, honey and lark a while ago would be a fun way to fill up the post.

What did you look like one year ago today? Pretty much the same (even my hair was the same length, because I only have it cut once a year, around June or July when it gets too hot to have longer hair). It was way warmer this time last year though.

white top black cardigan blue jeans by 14 shades of grey

When did you wake up this morning? I’m not sure what time it was, but my mom turned the bathroom light on so it must’ve been pretty early. Then again at around 6:15, which is my usual wake-up time when I have to teach in the morning.

What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? “Is Taco back yet?” Our dog, Taco, has gotten into the annoying habit of escaping through the backyard fence and going on nightly excursions. Apparently he came back around midnight.

Have you called someone today? Who and what did you say? The publishing company where I translate books. My translation of “Warm Bodies” just hits the shelves so I asked when I can stop by to pick up my complimentary copies.

What mood are you in? Tired. Is that a mood? I don’t know. I’m just tired.

Do you hurt anywhere? My shoulders and back and neck from too much computer, as usual 😦

If you could choose anything to eat right now, what would you want? Chocolate!!! Always.

What did you buy last? Oh man I honestly don’t remember. Does grocery count?

white top black cardigan by 14 shades of grey

Which was the first website you visited on the internet today? I checked my email, then feedly and tumblr.

What are you doing tonight? Watching Hannibal. I’ve just started it, so I’m doing a marathon (the only kind of marathon I do) to catch up, except it’s not always a good idea to watch too much of it before bed.

Which is the first song you put on today? Care of Cell 44 by The Zombies. I just downloaded their album after last week’s Mad Men.

What were you doing exactly a week ago, this time? Probably the same thing I am doing now – at my desk tearing my hair out over a script.

What are you wearing today? Mango top, F21 jeans, Target cardigan, thrifted Steve Madden heels, and Icing necklace. My “pop of color” rule continues to work out well.

white top pocket watch pendant by 14 shades of greyblue jeans red heels by 14 shades of grey

The weekend then, what about it? Nothing on Saturday, then on Sunday I’m teaching a class for amateur filmmakers. So more work. I’m thinking about showing this short film to them though, so that should be fun. I like traumatizing my students (go ahead, watch it. You know you want to :D)

4 Comments on “Thursday List”

  1. Those shoes are so adorable. I’ve been desperately wanting some red ones – heels, flats, I don’t even care. You look really sophisticated and elegant.

  2. Rachel says:

    i did not know you translated books, what a cool job!! and i am loving these shoes, theyre the perfect t-bar xx

  3. Gorgeous outfit! Those shoes are amazing!

  4. fizzandfrosting says:

    I really like this white top! So cute!

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