Trash Panda

This is actually an old outfit that I uncovered while going through my archive. Somehow it got lost in the shuffle. I’ve noticed that happening more lately, not just with my blogging (forgetting to schedule posts or even forgetting to post altogether), but also in my work. Before, I used to be able to read a couple of screenplays a day and still find time to write a little at night, but now, I’ll be lucky if I can manage one screenplay a day. If I’m writing (even if it’s just fan fiction, nothing serious), I can’t do anything else until I’m finished with it. And when it comes to blogging, I have to set aside a whole day to write and schedule posts beforehand, or I’ll forget to do them. I think it’s less about my mind losing its elasticity but more about my habit of multi-tasking catching up with me. I guess that’s why they say you shouldn’t multi-task.

Busy Lady (With Cheetah)

Here’s my outfit for this week’s SIA, inspired by Yinka Shonibare’s “Leisure Lady (with Ocelots)”. This one was quite a challenge for me, mostly due to the busy pattern of the lady’s dress. If it were winter, I would be able to put together an outfit quite easily, but when the weather is warm, I always feel disinclined to wear too many patterns (and most of my warm-weather clothes only have simple, streamlined patterns like stripes and plaid, or embroideries). After some searching, I managed to find this skirt – it’s certainly one of the busiest summer pieces that I own, and the pattern is reminiscent of animal print, which is appropriate, plus the colors match. I paired it with this turquoise top for the touch of blue/green in the lady’s dress, and of course, I had to accessorize with my cheetah brooch (no ocelot, but it’s close, right?) So I’m reasonably happy with the outfit… but I would be much happier if this was a winter challenge :)))

Spring Colors, Fall Textures

I’m continuing with my attempt to slowly switch my clothes for warmer weather. I think I was in a state of shock most years because we never have much of a spring –  just a week of humidity and intense discomfort, and then suddenly it’s summer – but this year, we actually have some pretty spring-like weather. It’s still pretty cool in the morning here (in fact, we’re due for another cold snap later this week), so I went with my short-sleeve sweater and wool skirt, but I kept the colors brighter and accessorized with a flower brooch to make it more spring-like. I may never warm up to spring (cheesy pun totally intended), but I’m getting the hang of dressing for it.