One Dress Two Ways

I’m definitely wearing more dresses this summer. Usually, I don’t worry much about my summer style, because at this time of year, my work would be winding down as we prepare for the summer break, but due to the pandemic, we are still playing catch-up and it looks like we’re going to be working all summer. This means I have to step up my style a little, but dresses are an easy way to look put-together. Before, I used to stay away from dresses because one dress is just one silhouette, but now, thanks to all these cotton dresses I recently thrifted, I can vary my looks without feeling like I’m repeating myself.

2 Comments on “One Dress Two Ways”

  1. Mike says:

    You always look so nice in dresses! And it looks like you’ll have plenty of opportunity to try out new styles as you’ll be working this summer.
    We’ll be playing catch-up too. As soon as I get back, me, along with many others, will have the pleasure of unboxing and cleaning thousands of returned materials. I can’t wait… but it will be good to be back at work. I’m tired of being at home all of the time!!

  2. Kezzie says:

    That is SUCH a beautiful dress. It really suits you and looks comfortable and cool too as well as being smart.

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