Weekend Round-Up: The 25th Hour

Thank God that Daylight Saving Time ends today (did you remember to set your clock back?) I really needed that extra hour.

Links of the Week:

–  I was super flattered to find out that Betsy of She Found Style featured me the Personality Express post about (you guess it) expressing yourself through your personal style. Thanks Betsy!

– It’s boot season, which means it’s also boot sock season.

– Have more hats than you know where to put them? Try this easy DIY hatstand.

– This pumpkin cream cheese bread looks incredible. I can’t wait to try it.

– If you’re like me and don’t wear make-up, be sure to participate in next week visual Friend Friday when bloggers go barefaced.

– Usually I’m not big on celeb style, but I’ve been a fan of Felicity Jones ever since I saw her in Northanger Abbey, so I’m glad that  she finally gets some recognition (both acting- and style-wise.)

Blog of the Week: Feathers and Freckles by Megan. This is another new, and newly discovered blog, and I’m completely in love with Megan’s relaxed, feminine style that mixes together thrifted and vintage pieces. Plus she looks adorable.

Book of the Week: “Revenge” aka “The Stars’ Tennis Balls” by Stephen Fry. What more can I say – it’s Stephen Fry, and I worship him as all Anglophiles do. But even if I didn’t worship him, I would still enjoy the book. It’s a modern retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo, adapted for the Internet age. See if you can spot all the little homage it made to the original book.

Song of the Week: “O Valencia” by The Decemberists. Just like every Decemberists song, this tells a story – a very Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story kind of story. There’s an extended version of this video that has a completely different narrative, but I enjoyed the edited version better.

4 Comments on “Weekend Round-Up: The 25th Hour”

  1. Cortney A. says:

    That pumpkin cream cheese bread looks so good! I need to try that…

    And I’m glad you pointed out Felicity Jones. I haven’t seen her style before, but I really like it. Probably going to pin a couple photos of her! 🙂

  2. Ali says:

    Oh. My gosh. Stephen Fry does Count of Monte Cristo? Must get!

    • Salazar says:

      Yes! Get it! It’s more psychological thriller than action/adventure like the original Count of Monte Cristo, and it gets quite disturbing at times, but this is Stephen Fry we’re talking about. He can do no wrong.

  3. Megan says:

    Hey, thank you SO much for the lovin’ and sweet words about my blog 🙂 Seriously, it made my day! So glad to hear you’re enjoying my blog.

    I love your blog layout/header… it’s so vintage and adorable 🙂

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