Morning Sun

This is yet another green, hand-me-down dress from my sister. I don’t understand why she keeps buying these green dresses and foisting them on me – surely, after the first or at least the second one, she would’ve realized that she doesn’t like green and stops buying them? (Actually, the fact that they’re all green is just a coincidence.) I’m not complaining though, especially because this dress is perfect for this week’s SIA, which is inspired by Cuno Amiet’s “Sunspots“. I really leaned into the green theme with my green shoes and owl brooch, not because there is a hidden owl in the painting, but because my owl brooch has green eyes. The early morning sun as I took these photos was a nice addition as well 🙂

Remember to check back on Wednesday to see how everybody interpreted this challenge!

3 Comments on “Morning Sun”

  1. […] sure to check out Salazar’s interpretation of the painting as well as Terri’s take on it. If you would like to participate in this […]

  2. Oh wow, Salazar, this dress is magnificent and perfect for this painting! I chuckled at how you came to own this wonderful dress. But you keep getting fabulous new dresses from your sister’s bad buys! How fun is that?! I love your shoes and your cute owl brooch, too. I have an owl brooch that also has green eyes, but I went for a green bird print kimono instead. Although there are no hidden birds in the painting, they are definitely appropriate additions to our outfits!


  3. When you have the perfect dress, the SIA look comes together so nicely! Love the owl brooch too.

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