Working From Home

I hope everybody is still doing well in isolation. I guess I’m luckier than most people – luckier than most of my co-workers, even – that I can work from home easily (it’s not easy teaching a class on cinematography from home, that’s for sure) and that I’m used to it. However, working from home by choice is different from being forced to work from home, so I still feel a little stir-crazy after a while. In an attempt to liven things up, I decided to add some funky socks to my work-from-home outfits, making them more blog-worthy. The colorful socks lifted my spirits, and taking photos got me out of the house (even if it’s only into the garden) and making the days seem more normal.

2 Comments on “Working From Home”

  1. Mike says:

    I’m doing okay. It just feels really weird not to be working for so long… and with talk about budget cuts on my job, I have to say that I’m more than a bit worried…

    But I hear you. Sometimes you gotta try to liven things up, even in times like these. If you get a chance, check out my blog and see how I’ve been livening things up in my own way.

    Hang in there, Salazar. We’re all in this together.

    Love the bright colored socks by the way! Makes me think that I should try to add a touch of color to my own daily wardrobe. I’d probably feel better too.

  2. Kezzie says:

    I LOVE the way your socks match the colours of the shoes! Genius!

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