Thesis Committee

I wore this last week when I was a member of the thesis committee at our school. It being a film school, a student’s thesis is either a feature-length screenplay or a short film, which they still have to present and defend it like any other thesis. It was pretty exciting – I’ve never been a full member of the thesis committee before, and this is the first graduating class that I’ve taught the full four years, and it was heartening to see that they all managed to graduate together (usually, in every class, there are a few students that have to graduate later because they don’t complete their thesis project in time.)

Obviously, I wanted to dress up, but I didn’t want to appear too stuffy or boring either (film school, remember), plus it was too hot, so this printed dress seems like a good compromise. I’m not so happy about the shoes – the dress has a vaguely 1940s vibe and I wanted a strappy shoe to go with it, but I have none at the moment, so these black heels would have to do. I tried to tell myself that they make the dress more modern and less like a costume, because honestly, I do not need an excuse to buy more shoes…

One Comment on “Thesis Committee”

  1. Mike says:

    That red is perfect for you, Salazar! I think you look very professional for something as important as a thesis panel member. You really know how to “rock” your style!

    And congrats on marking your four years of teaching. It’s hard to believe that it’s been four years already. I remember when you first announced that you would be teaching full time. Here’s to another four!

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