Tiny Dancers

black tee quilted skirt black flats by 14 shades of grey

Today is the first day that it actually feels like fall around here. Sure, it’s still sunny and warm, but the light seems clearer, there is a tiny hint of crispness in the air, and I don’t sweat buckets just after 15 minutes outside to feed the chickens anymore. It is all the more exciting for me because it means that I could wear this skirt for SIA – OK, OK, so it’s not practical to wear a quilt skirt in 80+ degrees, but it’s so perfect for this week’s painting, “The Star” by Degas, how could I pass it up?

I keep the rest of the outfit as simple as possible to keep with the “ballerina” theme. Plus, with a skirt like this, you have to let it take center stage (terrible pun totally intended), right? Don’t forget to check out Animated Cardigan for more outfits inspired by this painting, and check back here next week for a new inspiration!

black tee quilted skirt black flats by 14 shades of greyquilted skirt black flats by 14 shades of grey


quilted skirt by 14 shades of grey

T-shirt: Uniqlo, Skirt: vintage, Flats: Vagabond

5 Comments on “Tiny Dancers”

  1. Meghan says:

    Terrible pun intended. I love it. That skirt is SO cute! I can’t believe all the embroidered ballerinas! What a unique piece and I don’t know if anything besides a tulle skirt would’ve been more perfect.

  2. Kezzie says:

    Oooh, the skirt is perfect!!!
    You look v ballet dancer indeed!

    I er, did some really silly ballet photos with mine! Come and mock! X

  3. Oh my, this is the most perfect SIA look EVER! Love love love. Oh, and did I say LOVE? ❤ Pure loveliness with the skirt and simple tee and flats. Happy sigh. 🙂

  4. isabellabatts says:

    OK, wow! That skirt is perfect. SIA serendipity!


  5. […] on SIA before, so I decided it would be fun to go with his sculpture this time around (actually, my outfit for that challenge would work for this one as well.) I like this for the neutral color scheme, and […]

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