Golden Brown

For this week’s SIA, inspired by Juan Gris’s “The Guitar”, I knew I’d wear this waistcoat and these corduroy pants, as they perfectly represent the flowers and the wood grains in the painting. I paired them with my cutout embroidered shirt, the suspenders, and a tie borrowed from my dad for more representation of the painting’s details (the dots at the bottom, the darker patches). As I was putting the outfit together, it felt a bit much, but I was quite pleased with how it turned out.

Don’t forget to send me your outfits if you haven’t already, and come back on Wednesday to see what everybody wears!

2 Comments on “Golden Brown”

  1. I absolutely love it! What a perfect look for this painting. The mix of masculine and feminine elements feel just right, and that tie really works with the black shoes.

  2. Oooh, what a cool outfit, Salazar! I love the neck tie and suspenders with this! So cute!


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