Time Won’t Go Slowly

It’s been a while since I used a song for my post title… Anyway, here’s my last work-from-home outfit – it’s what I call my “pre-laundry day outfit”, meaning I would wear all the things that I’ve worn just once or twice so I can have a full load for the washing machine the next day, which is why it looks so random.

I tried to make the outfit more interesting by adding the snail brooch, which also reflected my mindset when I wore this, back in April – it felt like time was crawling (hence the snail brooch) or had stopped altogether. But of course, it didn’t (hence the post title). Time moves on. It’ll be a while before things can be normalized, but they are looking up. I hope everybody who is still in quarantine is doing well. Stay safe and hang in there!

One Comment on “Time Won’t Go Slowly”

  1. Mike says:

    That’s one good thing about this lockdown we’re in. I only have to do laundry once a week, as opposed to two or three times a week, which saves money on laundry detergent big time.

    If you don’t mind me saying, this is a really cute outfit for you. It’s casual, but really helps bring out your overall charm and personality. Hope I’m not sounding too weird here, but this really works for you. I really like it!

    Still doing good here. Still no word on when I can return to work (sigh…). On a good note, I FINALLY got my unemployment money, and while it’s not as much as what I make while working, I can at least buy food, which is important.But I’m still pretty much in the hole financially, so I’m hoping to be called back soon.

    Stay safe!

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