Channeling Steve Jobs… Or Not

Hello outfit post! It seems like forever since I posted one of these, doesn’t it? Between the Lunar New Year and the traveling, I haven’t taken any outfit photos for a while, so here’s a backlogged one all the way from January. I was trying to recreate this outfit, but I think I need a more loose-fitting button-up and trench coat (and my coat needs a good press. I steamed it before leaving the house, but it didn’t seem to do much good.)

Also, do you realize how easily a black turtleneck and faded blue jeans can conjure up the image of Steve Jobs? Before I put on the button-up, I was wandering around the house in just the turtleneck and jeans, and when I caught my reflection in the mirror, I thought the outfit looked really familiar. It wasn’t until later that I realized it was Steve Jobs’s signature look :))

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