Spring In October

I think from now on I would have to include a short line about the weather in each outfit post (temperature, condition, etc.) This is more for my reference. See, sometimes I have to travel to a different climate and want to pack the right clothes, but because the climate is Hanoi is so extreme, I would often forget how to pack for 50-degree weather, when it’s still 90 degrees here (like when I went to Germany in September) or vice versa (like when I went to Singapore in February.) And looking at my archives doesn’t always help, because I would find wildly unseasonable outfit like this one. It was actually from a couple of weeks ago, when it was supper muggy before a storm, so it didn’t feel much different from spring/summer.

3 Comments on “Spring In October”

  1. Mike says:

    Would it be safe to say that both of our weather patterns in our areas are totally screwed up? I know that I can say that for here. We’ve been pushing mid 70s for most of October, which is unseasonably warm for us. And though it feels more like fall right now, summer’s making a comeback towards the end of the week and into the weekend. I’m hoping that this is a sign that we will be having a mild winter this year.

    That’s a nice spring/summer type outfit Salazar! Quite appropriate for the kind of weather you’ve been getting there.

  2. I feel like the weather has just been weird all over! It’s mid-October and we are FINALLY getting some actual fall weather. Before this, it was sort of 70’s still and just. Not good for fall style.

  3. Kezzie says:

    Our weather has been weird. I have been alternating between lovely light outfits and crazy hot!

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