Rainy Day

polka dot chambray shirt red pants brown sandals by 14 shades of grey

This is one of those outfits that look better in the mirror than in photos. Maybe I should’ve tucked that shirt in. It just looks so… sloppy like this. I wouldn’t wear these sandals either – but it was raining so my choice of footwear was pretty limited. I’ve been picturing this combo in my head and seeing it around the blogosphere for so long, that when I actually have the pieces to put it together, I was just like “Yep, polka dot chambray shirt + red pants, done and done” and didn’t really think about how I put it together. I guess I’m just overexcited about finally having a new chambray shirt is all.

polka dot chambray shirt by 14 shades of greyred pants brown sandals by 14 shades of greypolka dot chambray shirt red pants by 14 shades of greypolka dot chambray shirt vintage brooch by 14 shades of grey

Shirt: tailor-made, Pants & Sandals: thrifted, Brooch: vintage (gift)

One Comment on “Rainy Day”

  1. Sian says:

    Great outfit. That brooch is amazing!

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