Pink Spring

We’re finally having some spring-like weather around here, but while it is humid, thankfully it remains cool, rather than hot and humid, so getting dressed is still enjoyable instead of the chore it is during the warmer months. I always prefer to dress in layers – it’s much easier to add interest with layers – so as long as it stays cool, I’m happy.

That said, this (new) shirt can still add interest to an outfit even by itself. If you look at the close-up, you can see that its buttons are actually printed with a subtle floral pattern. Very appropriate for spring without being obvious. I’m sure Miranda Priestly will approve.

2 Comments on “Pink Spring”

  1. Mike says:

    Same here Salazar. Warmer temps are finally on the way (and hopefully will stay this time) and I won’t have to keep digging out my winter gear (I never really put it away to begin with). And no rain/snow in the forecast!

    Nice look by the way! It’s perfect for a warm Friday. šŸ™‚

  2. Kezzie says:

    I like it! The lovely pink and scarf! You look delightful!!

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