Scroll-down Fug

This outfit, in the words of the Fug Girls, is a total scroll-down fug – it’s OK on top, but you scroll down to the shoes and it’s a needle scratch. I was going for a 1930’s menswear-inspired look, as I always do with these pants, but I’ve picked the wrong shoes. These oxfords are too clunky. My oxford heels would be much better, but I’ve worn them with these pants before and didn’t want to repeat myself. Well, lesson learned: when something works, it’s worth repeating.

P/S: This is the second of the two brooches I bought from my recent trip to Singapore. I’ve been looking for a simple bow brooch like this for ages, and this fits the bill perfectly.

T-shirt: Uniqlo, Jacket: tailor, Pants: Esprit, Oxfords: Vagabond, Brooch: vintage

3 Comments on “Scroll-down Fug”

  1. Mike says:

    You look amazing Salazar, and may I dare say, quite dapper!

  2. Kezzie says:

    Your brooch choices are always so elegant and delicate!!

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