Stormy Weather

Between the nearly incessant raining and the on-off power during the last 3 days due to a storm, I haven’t got a chance to get my outfit documentation back on track. So here are just some random pictures of life around here.

What the backyard looks like when the storm hits

Some food stuff – taro soup with pork and a purple sweet potato

My niece’s school get-up, on a day she goes on the bike vs. the car (the face mask is to shield you from the dust and sun. Mostly the dust)

Mama cat chilling out, and kitty’s meerkat impersonation

4 Comments on “Stormy Weather”

  1. I love these little glimpses into your time at home. This was an adorable pick-me-up this Monday morning. (Oh, my gosh, your niece is too cute for words_

  2. That frog photo is pretty cool! Like the cat as prairie dog, too!

  3. two birds says:

    the meerkat impression is my fave! what great pics!

  4. Megan says:

    Your niece is so cute! And it’s been storming SO much here as well. Rain for the last 3 days 😦

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